last picture taken by Dieuwke Jollema Gorter
Exhibition Hatched in AG
with Hazel van Berkel, Noud Boogaard, Julia van Dijck, Harry Edmunds-Bergin, Franka Gilbert, Diewke Jollema Gorter, Polly Kunst, Helen van Leeuwen, Marieke van Ringelesteijn, Inês Da Silva Aguiar, Florentien Stikkelorum and Pargol Tavakoli Shirazi
december 9 - december 17 2023
there is an intangibility of materials surrounding us. there's material especially meant to function. there's the contrast of materials being controlled and wild, about roughness and fragility. the temporary and the lasting. there is poetry in the intangible material of function in our direct environment that we walk past every day. what value do we give to it?