exploring the environment around me is an exploration of myself. i question my existence as i question the materials. i am fascinated by construction(sites), natural materials, the contrast in them, the duality. the beauty in the unfinished, the used. the time, the falling apart, the now. the temporary, the in-between, the ungraspable. i question how we interact with the given. for me it’s really about the value we ascribe to it. much related to the functioning. think of tiles, think of processed wood. there is some interesting tension in that what we shape and in that we can’t control. in the rough and in the polished. in the process and the finished. in what’s there and what’s not. in what we don’t understand, but it’s a given, so we don’t think about it.
with materials directly out of the environment or hinting to it i try to make an installation including sculpture and sometimes painting. i try to work with the meaning of the materials and put them together to highlight this or make a new meaning. text is usually playing a big role in the process and sometimes ends up in the works, mostly tying ends together or give new insight or trigger associations.

rayn was born under the name of q. m. inchauste callahuara in 1998. based in the netherlands.
2021 - now HKU, Fine Art (Bachelor of Art)
2017 - 2022 HKU, Illustration (Bachelor of Design)
2016 - 2017 Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Orientationyear
2024 Performance bar, Bikewars, Utrecht
These hands think about you all, AG HKU, Utrecht
2023 Hatched, AG HKU, Utrecht
Growing Structures, Landgoed Amelisweerd, Utrecht
Hallway, HKU Pastoe, Utrecht
Peek: Last, HKU Pastoe, Utrecht
2021 Dutch Design Week, Klokgebouw, Eindhoven
HKU Exposure, Lou Oudenoord, Utrecht
2020 SMTM, HKU Media, Utrecht
2019 2.01, Hooghiemstra, Utrecht
"Kijk, Denk, Maak", De Boem, Amstelveen
2018 Omgeslagen, De Utrechtse Boekenbar, Utrecht