Exhibition Landgoed Amelisweerd
with Maya Berkhof, Linne Guldenmond, Helen van Leeuwen, Pargol Tavakoli Shirazi, Nynke Sansom, Roos Gerritsen, Dieuwke Jollema Gorter, Sagar Sarkar, Hazel van Berkel, Lina de Koning and Roza Robein
curation by Anno Dijkstra
June 23 – October 1 2023
The forest of Amelisweerd is very shaped by humans, but it's at the same time also still growing by itself. I wanted to include the presence of these two forces in my sculpture. For me building is something essential to both humans and nature. We humans have built shelters and campfires since early times. In nature you can find building structures for example in the way birds build their nest. The idea of a building structure has been a startingpoint for me. I wanted the structure to inhabit the feeling of solace that people keep looking for in forests and that shelters and nests give. At the same time I wanted to stress the relationship between nature and humans by adding processed wood, bought earth and a stone plinth that used to be of the old sculptures that used to stand here. In my sculpture I hope to let you think about how we might be different from nature, but how we are still closely connected to it.